语言:中文    Language:English
On line Solution of Monovariate Equation:
    Input any unary equation directly, and then click the "Next" button to obtain the solution of the equation.
    It supports equations that contain mathematical functions.
    Current location:Equations > Monovariate Equation > The history of univariate equation calculation > Answer

    Overview: 1 questions will be solved this time.Among them
           ☆1 inequalities

[ 1/1Inequality]
    Assignment:Find the solution set of inequality 100000*(x*0.0001/(1.4128-x*0.0001))+500000*(x*0.0001/(4.3250-x*0.0001))+200000*(x/(14675.0000-x))+63.75-41.93 >= 0 .
    Question type: Inequality
    The inequality can be reduced to 1 inequality:
        100000 * ( x * 0.0001 / ( 1.4128 - x * 0.0001 ) ) + 500000 * ( x * 0.0001 / ( 4.3250 - x * 0.0001 ) ) + 200000 * ( x / ( 14675.0000 - x ) ) + 63.75 - 41.93 >= 0         (1)
        From the definition field of divisor
         1.4128 - x * 0.0001 ≠ 0        (2 )
        From the definition field of divisor
         4.3250 - x * 0.0001 ≠ 0        (3 )
        From the definition field of divisor
         14675.0000 - x ≠ 0        (4 )

    From inequality(1):
         x ≥ -0.676247
    From inequality(2):
         x ∈ R (R为全体实数),即在实数范围内,不等式恒成立!
    From inequality(3):
         x ∈ R (R为全体实数),即在实数范围内,不等式恒成立!
    From inequality(4):
         x ∈ R (R为全体实数),即在实数范围内,不等式恒成立!

    From inequalities (1) and (2)
         x ≥ -0.676247    (5)
    From inequalities (3) and (5)
         x ≥ -0.676247    (6)
    From inequalities (4) and (6)
         x ≥ -0.676247    (7)

    The final solution set is :

         x ≥ -0.676247

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  New addition:Lenders ToolBox module(Specific location:Math OP > Lenders ToolBox ),welcome。