Fractions calculation:
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It does not support mathematical functions (including trigonometric functions) and can only calculate the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of two fractions. The fraction line is indicated by "/".
Divide two fractions with defferent denominators:The denominators of two fractions are 272890 and 969581 respectively,their least common multiple is 264588959090 Divide the least common multiple 264588959090 by the denominator 272890 of the first addend to get 969581 Multiply the numerator 969581 and denominator 272890 of the first fraction by 969581 Then divide the least common multiple 264588959090 by the denominator 969581 of the second addend to get 272890 Multiply the numerator 272890 and denominator 969581 of the second fraction by 272890
Calculation result:
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